job description : Social Media Coordinator


Marketing & Communications

Reports To:

Social Media Manager or Director of Marketing

Employment Status:

Typically, full-time but part-time and contractual positions can also be available based on the organization’s needs.


Compensation can vary depending on experience, industry, and region. Typically, it includes a base salary, potential bonuses for performance or campaigns that perform exceptionally well, and sometimes commissions based on social growth metrics or engagement rates.

Position Overview

The Social Media Coordinator is pivotal in a company’s online presence and branding. This role encompasses managing and curating content for various social platforms, monitoring online engagement, and collaborating with other departments to ensure a cohesive brand message. With the rapid evolution of social media platforms and the way audiences engage with them, this role requires adaptability and a finger on the pulse of current trends.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Content Creation: Develop, curate, and schedule engaging content for various social media platforms, ensuring it aligns with the brand’s voice and objectives.
  2. Engagement Monitoring: Track, analyze, and respond to comments, messages, and mentions to maintain a positive brand presence.
  3. Performance Analysis: Regularly review analytics to gauge the success of campaigns and posts, adjusting strategies accordingly.
  4. Campaign Collaboration: Work alongside the marketing team to ideate and execute effective social media campaigns that complement broader marketing initiatives.
  5. Trend Spotting: Stay updated on the latest social media trends and tools, ensuring the brand remains at the forefront of social media innovation.
  6. Crisis Management: Act swiftly when posts or campaigns aren’t received well, addressing concerns professionally and in line with company guidelines.
  7. Platform Management: Oversee and manage social media account layouts, including the bio, profile photos, cover photos, and ongoing posts, to ensure a consistent brand presentation.


  • A bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, Journalism, or a related field.
  • Prior experience in social media coordination or management, preferably with a demonstrated portfolio of successful campaigns.
  • Proficiency in social media platforms and tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, or Sprout Social.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to capture a brand’s voice.
  • Creativity and adaptability in a constantly changing digital landscape.
  • Basic graphic design skills or familiarity with Canva or Adobe Creative Suite tools can be a plus.


  • Health and Wellness: Comprehensive health, dental, and vision packages.
  • Professional Growth: Access to workshops and courses on the latest in digital marketing and social media trends.
  • Work-Life Balance: Flexible working hours with potential remote work opportunities.
  • Paid Time Off: Paid vacations, personal days, and sometimes even “digital detox” days.
  • Employee Discounts: For companies with products or services, discounts are often available.
  • Team Building: Regular team outings, workshops, and brainstorming sessions to foster collaboration and innovation.

The Social Media Coordinator’s role is dynamic and crucial in today’s digital-centric world. Ensuring a brand’s consistent, engaging, and timely presence on social platforms can significantly influence its overall market perception and success. As a bridge between the brand and its audience, a Social Media Coordinator is the brand’s voice and ears, consistently working towards creating an authentic and engaging online community.